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(Deep breath) OK. For those of you out there who haven’t tried raising 4 kids after the death of a partner and running a business and dealing with all the legal mumbo jumbo that both the death and business entail? I don’t recommend it. At all. It’s like waking up at the bottom of a deep, muddy, slick hole and clawing your way to the first available handhold, frantically digging out a makeshift shelf and then collapsing, exhausted–all while praying rain doesn’t come and destabilize the whole mess and send you back to the bottom of the hole. The rains come way too frequently, to boot. I feel like i am in a mud sucking mess more times than not. I keep clawing, though. I am determined to see the edge of this hole and the beginning of the next chapter of mine and the kids’ lives begin sooner than later. This isn’t permanent, it’s simply a line of demarcation between what was good, and what will be even better.

I miss him, y’all.  I miss him with every breath I take. His smile, his laugh, his sense of humor.  Everything. I wear his thumbprint around my neck engraved on the back with “imprinted on my heart forever.” The countless days ahead of me echo hollowly, knowing he isn’t there to make them meaningful. No one stops and tells you that when a person dies? Their physical death is actually the least impactful.  You can reconcile a now inanimate body in your brain.  However, when you are going through personal belongings, folding up shirts and pants that still smell like the person you loved most in the world? Or throwing away items they used, but you have no use for? Those million little things create new deaths, new sensations of loss. Those, my dears–those are the deaths that can, and DO–shred your heart.

I have a lot to share with you. I have received many requests to tell my side of the SWT story and it’s birth, and If you would permit me? I would like to.  For the catharsis it brings my heart, and to keep SWT and the amazing person he is (just on a non corporeal level, now) alive, even if in just a few hearts and minds.

I apologize for the lack of files. My computer system went belly up at the same time my vehicle died.  I was able to secure financing for a new toyota sienna (which got totaled by a deer two weeks later, joy) concussed me, and put hiatus on all my other plans until the issue of death legalities was settled. I am upgrading here in the next week-ish. I am working as fast as I can, please bear with me. This is tougher than I could have ever imagined.

However, I am hoping that over the next few months the more normal, playful, SWT inspiring side of me begins to shine through for y’all and your benefit.

Here is a coupon code for y’all: summersun18 and it is worth 30% off.

Mwahs!  I love you all so much, thank you for being loyal and loving and supportive during such a difficult time.  You bring sunshine peeking out on my darkest days.

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Back in Black

Hello my lovelies!!

In December, when I said that I would be running silent for the month, to try and focus on myself and the children, and to find some equilibrium for us, I didn’t anticipate the dark days ahead.  Our anniversary and Christmas passed mostly without event, much to my surprise.  It was SWTs birthday on January 8 that didn’t just throw me off the horse.  It then proceeded to stomp and kick me into the ground and then laid down and rolled, as well.  SWT and my oldest son knew of a youtube channel he had posted and showed me. On this channel there was a video of SWT singing a rendition of “Piano Man” that he had rewritten for a friend who was celebrating her last day at a previous job of his.  Seeing him, hearing him–after three months of silence was just more than my brain could bear, and then at that moment our youngest son (2) heard his voice and came flying down the hall yelling “Daddy!  Daddy!” and tried to reach for him through the computer screen.  All I can say is that at that moment, anything that may have still been clinging to some illusion of being whole in me, shattered.  I fell into a depression I am still finding my way out of, but I think that finally, after almost two more months of sabbatical than I planned?  I am finally getting there.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who continued to check on me.  For your emails, your stories of your families, your successes with our products, even just funny little anecdotes or condolences.  You will never know how much all of that meant to me, how it helped me pull through one day at a time.  Looking back, I realize that I should have leaned into this community and how you embraced me after SWTs loss, rather than turning away and hiding.  The site, writing to you all–it kept me going, and gave me something to focus on, to work towards.  Without it, I became lost in my own head, in a terrible dark space–SWT became a place that was just one more symbol of my loss; working on files became just one more concrete example of how he was really gone.  Thank you for supporting me and allowing me space to grieve and find my footing, and for continuing to keep the site profitable while I mourned.  I know I’ve said it a million times, but you are all beyond amazing.  I am blessed.

To bring you all the updates that people have been asking for?  I AM continuing to run SWT.  I am establishing a game plan for the site as we speak to keep it moving smoothly, moving foward, and to make sure I have something to keep myself accountable.  SWTs goal was to take the  site mainstream and make it a mover and a shaker, so that it would be a source of income for me should anything happen to him.  We wanted to continue to roll out better and better files, and to keep the site evolving and cutting-edge to meet the needs of you all as our family in this community.  Expect the look of SWT to change some in the coming months as I make sure that everything here is legalese perfect, so that I can begin some mainstream advertising to drive the site.

I have mostly mastered the sound software at this point, so start expecting to see new files popping up soon.  Also, through the months since SWT has passed?  I have gotten many, many requests for some amazing files from some of you, and while I will continue to keep SWT stocked with files that encourage your wives to find their inner sex Goddess?  I will also begin to introduce some files that meet the changing demands of the community and promote intimacy and communication within marriage, encourage your wives to embrace their bodies changes with age, and a couple specialty areas.  I’ve lightly mentioned that I come from a medical background and I am going to turn the passion for psychology and the workings of the deeper mind into inspiration for a different line of files–but more on that later when I have a bit better timeline in place.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to grow with you all!

Above all, please continue to bear with me.  I haven’t told many of you the larger portion of my story:  In 2016, SWT and I moved from the Pacific Northwest (Oregon–where I spent almost all of my 37 years) to the midwest for a new job opportunity for him.  When he died in October I found myself alone with four children, my friends and family over two thousand miles away.  The loneliness and stress from trying to do everything by myself has been beyond daunting.  I will be moving back home when my two oldest are done with school for the year, and I will finally have access to childcare for my two younger kids so that I can devote a chunk of time to SWT and my other endeavors, not just during odd hours when they happen to be sleeping or preoccupied for a 5-minute stretch.  That is when things will start moving along at a much more reliable pace.  Until then, I am here!  my gmail had a syncing glitch about two weeks ago and I lost a lot of email.  Some of it has “reappeared” in my box, but if I haven’t responded to you and it’s been a while, please resend.  I’ll answer as soon as I can.


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Common Subliminal Wife Training Questions: How Long Does it Last, Does it Affect Children?

Guy wrote, over on the Initiate Oral Sex 3.0 product page:

This is not a review. I wanted to ask some questions but could not see your contact, so I am just posting here.

I am planning to buy this “initiate oral sex .30.”
1. My 2 year old daughter sleeps in the same room. Will this mp3 effect her? I plan on using the silent version.
2. How long do I need to use this for permanent effect? I mean once I start seeing changes in her behaviour, should I stop playing it or continue to do?

These are great questions, that get asked a lot. I thought I’d take some time to share my reply, and see what everyone else thinks about it too.


Many men ask about how children in the room might be affected by subliminal training directed at the wife. What I tell them is how I’ve handled it in my home, having two young girls of my own, one of whom still sleeps in our bedroom. Short answer: girls listening to these files WILL be affected. That’s why I have tried to very carefully craft every subliminal I sell to be an act I would not have a problem with my daughter performing ON HER HUSBAND ONLY. We get emails all the time from folks asking if we’ll sell scripts aimed at girlfriends or hookups, and the answer is always, “No.” I don’t want someone to use this on someone who isn’t already in a committed, long-term relationship with their partner.

All of our products very specifically indicate that these are actions between a husband and a wife. Not a boyfriend, not a casual acquaintance, not every man she sees. Even things like Bicurious are geared toward “I like looking at sexy women *with my husband.*” A two-year old is going to have a real difficult time processing the signals she’s getting from these subliminals, because most of the key words in them are meaningless to her. But if she absorbs anything, it’s going to be that when she’s with her husband, she can perform these acts. In my mind, I don’t feel that’s wrong. If I could train my daughter to be a great wife for her husband, it would include that anyway, because I’d want her to service him just as thoroughly as my wife services me. So you have to use your own judgment there. Yes, it will probably affect her in some way. But is it wrong to allow her to form the opinion that “initiating blow jobs on her husband is good?” I don’t think so.

As far as how long it takes for the effects to become permanent? Subliminal programming has one significant variable: Exposure time. The more she’s exposed, the more profoundly it will change her. Most women take about 3 weeks of listening 6-8 hours a day to see dramatic change in personality. Some women respond much quicker, others more slowly. Once you start seeing the change you’re training her for, keep up the training until it becomes habit. Give it 2-3 more weeks, then stop training and see if she continues the activity. If not, pick it back up and keep training.

It took your wife years to get the mindset she has now. It will take time to change those attitudes.  After that, you can just resume training anytime you see her progress start to lag — for my wife, if I realize I haven’t seen a particular action in a while that I’m craving, I’ll re-add that file to her playlist and she usually resumes that activity within 2-3 days because she’s been so well trained. And her mind is always processing these things. I haven’t trained her with Dreamslut in months, but the other day she said, “Did you run Dreamslut on me last night? I had the hottest fucking dream and woke up soaking wet.” I smiled and said truthfully that I hadn’t… but that her training will always be deep in her, stirring that sexual kettle. “Well, you better fuck your slut then,” she said, ripping my pants off. “Because I’m horny as fuck!”

Hope this answers your questions.