Initiate Anal Sex 3.0


With Initiate Anal Sex, you can help instill in your wife a desire to not only enjoy anal sex, but to go out of her way to try and get it from you, too.

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Once you have your wife truly enjoying anal sex,  you can begin to fine tune her training. Do you want her to start aggressively requesting anal all the time? Do you want her to always try to start off a wild night of fucking by pressing her ass against your cock, and grinding until you get hard right at the back door? With Initiate Anal Sex, you can help instill in your wife a desire to not only enjoy anal sex, but to go out of her way to try and get it from you, too.

Affirmations in this file revolve around continuing the training began in the last file, but taking it one step farther. Now, even more than enjoying it, she’s starting to want it to be a regular part of her life. She’s going to start missing it when she doesn’t get anal sex. She’ll become more open about talking anal to you. She’s going to be receiving hundreds of subconscious cues directing her to get her ass in front of your cock, because she knows how good that’s going to feel when you get it in there.

With all of our 3rd gen files, the product is about 20 minutes long. There are five vocal tracks: four women repeating the affirmations over and over again, plus a male voice, acting as a coach, or mentor, instructing your wife about the ways her life and mind is changing. Alongside those are two tracks of women having loud, energetic sex. Research shows that women who hear other women orgasming have an arousal response themselves. This helps reinforce the training as being extremely pleasurable in her mind.

You can hear a sample of the unmasked file right here:

Audio Player


The files are innocently named “Intro to Analytics” for your privacy and protection. Every purchase gets you all four versions of the product: silent subliminal, roaring ocean, crackling fire, and soothing rain.