If you want your wife’s internet and television viewing habits to be focused entirely on watching porn, then you need Addicted to Porn. Our Addicted to Porn file takes a regular enjoyment of watching porn and transforms it into a more-than-daily habit that is impossible to break. With regular listening, your wife will start watching (or wanting desperately to watch when she can’t) porn every morning when she gets up, every lunch break, every evening, and every time she has sex with you. When she watches porn she’ll wish she was stroking or sucking your cock, and if you’re not around, she’ll feel an insatiable need to masturbate while it’s playing.
Affirmations include:
Yes. I have always enjoyed watching porn.
Yes. I appreciate how horny porn makes me.
Yes. I will watch porn right now.
Yes. Watching porn is becoming a habit.
Yes. I will watch porn every day.
Yes. I watch more and more porn.
Yes. I search for porn in the morning when I wake up.
Yes. I am becoming addicted to watching porn.
Yes. I watch porn at lunch.
Yes. I love masturbating when I watch porn.
Yes. My pussy is getting wet.
The file has four women’s voices repeating their affirmations, while a male voice speaks instructions directly to your wife’s subconscious. Background sounds of women having loud orgasms will keep her sexually aroused, and increase her desire to play with herself every time she watches porn, which will be all the time.
As a special bonus, and in preparation for a related file series, this product also includes suggestions that your wife want to not just watch porn, but to fantasize about being in porn, and wanting to create porn videos for/with you.
It sounds like this (before subliminal masking):
Audio PlayerAddicted to Porn comes in four flavors: silent, crackling fire, roaring ocean, and rain storm. The files are named Addicted to Poetry for your privacy and convenience.
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