Horny Right Now 3.0

(4 customer reviews)


Our best-selling product of all time is all-new, with more human voices, a better “yes/moan” track, improved audio quality, and a more “silent” silent mode! Step one to turning your wife into an insatiable slut is to make her Horny Right Now — and by “right now” we mean “All the Time.”


Before you can expect measurable success with training your wife to love oral sex, or anal sex, or start masturbating every day, you’re going to want her thinking about sex all the time. You’re going to want her to be constantly aroused. You want her to be Horny Right Now — and you want Right Now to equal “Always.” Horny Right Now is our best selling-product of all time, and for good reason. Just look at the reviews!

Richard – November 25, 2016: Wow. I bought this a week ago, and already I’m seeing results. I blasted the silent version on a loop as we spent the day watching Netflix. Second night, as we were going to bed, she asked me to play the rain again. The next morning, as I walked past her, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me in, planting a deep wet passionate kiss like I hadn’t gotten since we were dating. Third night, she ditched every stitch of clothes (and hasn’t worn them to bed since), and was twitching and moaning in her sleep. Fourth night was the same, and that next morning, she asked me to put the file on her phone so she could play it herself instead of waiting for me to come to bed, as I work late into the night and usually don’t get to bed before 1:30 AM. Last night, in the midst of the now normal twitching and moaning, she reached over in her sleep and grabbed my cock. I cannot wait to see where this goes in the next few weeks.

Horny Right Now will bombard her mind with sexual cues. How horny she is, right now. How wet her pussy is getting, right now. How badly she needs to fuck her husband, right now. Every 10 minutes she is getting almost 100 suggestions, from seven different women that she badly needs to cum, that her pussy is craving cock, her mouth is watering for cock, she just needs sex, right now. 

Because she will be hearing this all night, every night, for as long as you keep her on this training file, that will begin to turn into constant craving for sex, and could, if she responds perfectly, convert even the most straight-laced wife into a raving nymphomaniac.

In addition, a special set of affirmations will help her find inner calm, release stress, and find peace — with a catch. She’s going to discover that becoming calm, relaxed, and peaceful is incredibly arousing, and the best way to de-stress is to orgasm. She’ll be receiving affirmations specifically designed to strengthen a never-ending cycle of orgasm and arousal, and intense need to fuck you, right now.

Louis – July 31, 2017: …been playing the silent on surround sound in the bedroom…She woke up yesterday telling me about a dream she had where she wanted and needed to get off, But couldn’t find the privacy in her dream to act on it…I noticed her touching herself as she told me this dream!!!
She told me she was hornier than she’s been in a long time..I barely got it inside her and she exploded in orgasm!!!

Even my wife, who’s been trained quite well at this point, responded surprisingly well to this file. Normally she saves her libido for after the kids are in bed, but after just one night of listening to this file all night, she met me at the door after work with passionate kisses and a claim that she’d been craving my cock all day. Now it’s a regular part of her training regimen and it keeps her sexual fires always at the verge of peaking.

Affirmations include:

Yes. I want to fuck my husband right now.
Yes. I am thinking about sucking my husband’s cock right now.
Yes. I am always ready to masturbate right now.
Yes. My pussy is always wet right now.
Yes. I am wanting sex more and more.
Yes. I am always ready for sex.
Yes. I am becoming more and more aroused.
Yes. I am committed to having sex every day.
Yes. I am happy being horny all the time.
Yes. My pussy needs my husband’s cock in it RIGHT NOW.

Before subliminal masking, we have three computer-generated women, and two actual women repeating the vocals over and over. There are two more real women saying “yes” and moaning, associating the word “yes” with what she’s hearing will make her significantly more like to accept her training, as well as start feeling arousal just from the word “yes.” Of course we’ve also got the orgasm track in the background, which automatically causes her mind to start reacting as though she’s having sex herself. This is our 3rd generation version of the product and we’ve added even more: we now push these affirmations into two different subliminal audio bands — both of which are unhearable by the conscious mind, but that the subconscious can hear and interpret. We’ve also added new filters and quality control to ensure that there are no annoying “hisses” or “pops” that earlier versions of this file suffered from. Before we mask it, it sounds like this:

Audio Player

UPDATE: This is our 3rd generation version of the product and we’ve added even more: we now push these affirmations into two different subliminal audio bands — both of which are unhearable by the conscious mind, but that the subconscious can hear and interpret. We’ve also added new filters and quality control to ensure that there are no annoying “hisses” or “pops” that earlier versions of this file suffered from. Horny Right Now comes with Silent, Fire, Ocean, and Rain background sounds. The files are named Happy Right Now for your privacy and convenience.