Gentlemen, this could be a risky file for you. Be careful with what kinds of things you might be willing to try if you get this one for your wife. This file is designed to make her want initiate sex between you… and her (or your) sex toys. If she’s got a vibrator, she’s going to want to vibe your cock into cumming. If you’ve got a Fleshlight, she’s going to get off on getting you off. If she’s got a dildo…. Well, like I said, be careful! Initiate With Sex Toys can be all sorts of fun, and if you’re into those kinds of things, this is the file to help get your wife into them too!
Underneath the subliminal masking (which comes in ultrasonic silent, crackling fire, roaring ocean, or rainstorm), your wife is going to hear four different women’s voices telling her how awesome it is to play with sex toys with her husband. She’s going to start fantasizing it, and the subliminal sounds of women in the background having loud, agreeable sex will stimulate the primal core of her brain into really wanting to try it.
It sounds like this:
The affirmations include:
Yes. Thinking about sex toys makes me aroused.
Yes. I think about sex toys more and more.
Yes. I enjoy giving my husband orgasms with my vibrator.
Yes. Masturbating with a vibrator is amazing.
Yes. I masturbate with sex toys every day.
Yes. I love masturbating with my vibrator.
Yes. My husband loves when I use my vibrator on him.
Yes. I love my body, and I love using sex toys.
Yes. I deserve strong, powerful orgasms.
Yes. Sex toys help me orgasm.
Yes. I always have a wonderful orgasm with sex toys.
Yes. I love the way sex toys feel when I fuck myself with them.
Yes. I love the way my husband fucks his sex toy.

The product files are named “Inspirational Little Toymaker” for your privacy and convenience. If your wife doesn’t enjoy sex toys well enough to want to use them all the time, let alone want to include it in all your bedroom play, try training her with Enjoy Sex Toys 3.0 first.
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