Guys, I started this month off with a sale hoping to earn a little extra money for the Christmas present I’d decided to get the wife (she’s been a *very* good girl (and, appropriately enough, a very NAUGHTY GIRL TOO) this year for Santa!). Between that killer sale and the release of Horny Right Now this week, August has just topped the charts as our best month ever. More sales than any other month. More total products sold, and even more stunningly, more total $$ than any other month, including Christmas’ 2016’s record-breaking month.

Because I won this month, everyone wins. Right now, and through the end of August, take 33% off everything in the store (except those danged Customs!). Now you can get the entire Anal or Oral bundle for the price of just two individual files!
It’s just going to get better, men. The 3rd Gen Dreamslut is coming soon, and a host of new files that we are beginning testing of this weekend. I just wanted to end August by thanking all of you for helping make this the Best Month Ever.
(Also, apparently it’s #AnalAugust… so if you haven’t tried our Anal line… maybe now’s a good time to start!