Wow. Just wow.
I want to take a minute to thank all of the visitors to this site. Many of you read my blog when I was just beginning this adventure of learning how to program my wife with subliminal training. Many of you saw as this site came to life, then started to prosper, then had the payment processing problems, and then last year I kinda dropped off the map for like… 8 months. :/
It has been a rocky ride, and most of that has been my fault, but you know what? You guys have been GREAT. I have a few regular customers who write on a regular basis and we share training stories and ideas. Some of my customers have left just… glowing reviews and those drive me every day to create new, better products for all of you.
This is November, the Thanksgiving month. And I am absolutely thankful for all of you, because without you, well… I’d still be happy as hell with a wife who meets my carnal needs in every way… but I’d feel a lot less fulfilled. You guys made October our BEST month ever, and I want to share the wealth.
So here is the November Thanksgiving feast: THREE CONTESTS!
Easiest Contest Ever: The Coupon Contest!
Congratulations, you win! Use coupon code WINNER10 to take $10 off any product in the catalog — even legacy products (which means, yes, you can have 1 free product if you want. You win!) Coupon is good all month, so if you already own all our files, just wait. More are coming.
Lucky Dog Contest!
Every single person who orders at least one product between now and Thanksgiving (11/24) will be entered in the contest. Winner gets a $100 gift certificate for anything in the store. I will post the winner’s name and how to get the certificate on Thanksgiving. One entry per product ordered, so this contest IS skewed toward my more frequent purchasers. #sorrynotsorry (they pay the bills!).
Best Review Contest!!
Because we’ve been remastering and re-releasing our entire product line, most of our reviews are now on legacy products, so here is HUGE contest: it’s worth REAL MONEY! Every single review left for products between now and the end of the month (11/30) will be entered to win a $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD or VISA GIFT CARD (Winner’s choice). Legal rules say I have to say “No purchase necessary to enter” — but obviously you need to have purchased a product to review it, so, hey, go use that $10 coupon and review one of the legacy products if you need to, you cheap bastards! :p
Anyway… Thank you guys so much.
Happy training!
PS: This was my favorite uploaded product image pic of the month. This encapsulates everything you’d ever want from a hypnotized slut, right?!?